
Thursday, 11 October 2012

Fed Up :(

So I'm still feeling extremely fed up with everything. Its annoying me as well being this fed up with everything. I wake up every morning feeling the same, I think the same stuff throughout the day and at night, I'm kept awake by the annoying voices that are telling me the things I already know.

I haven't decided what to do about it yet, maybe I should bake a cake or something, that usually helps for a bit as I have something to take my mind off it all.

On the upside, I did my first Zumba at the weekend, and I love it!! Did 3 routines, 1 for each intensity and got Zumba Legend for the first 2 and Zumba Pro for the last. To say it's my first proper go on it, I was impressed.

As for work, well I'm still doing the two jobs, though I am seriously contemplating why. I know its only till January but I feel like that is a life time away at the moment. The hotel is going to be quiet for the next few weeks so at least I do have another job for then.

Uni work? Well I've not really had a chance to get any started properly. I've read about 12 pages of a textbook for my dissertation but because its science based, I need to be able to understand whats happening and because I keep trying to do it when I've come back from work, I can never concentrate fully.

Right well, I'd better get sorted for work and then uni afterwards.


Unknown said...

Keep your chin up. As I have been told, just do what makes you happy and it will all work out in the end. :)

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