
Saturday, 10 November 2012

Back to My Roots...

So yesterday Mum and I went to a Postgraduate Open Day at Glasgow Uni. I can definitely see me studying there for a year. The uni itself was amazing. It consists of old buildings and despite being in the centre of the city, its quiet and has a relaxed atmosphere. We only stayed half an hour. I asked what masters I should be doing if I want to go into eductional politics (and eventually become Secretary of State for Education fingers crossed) - should it be MSc Educational Studies or a politics based one. They suggested writing to the Government and asking for their opinion. However, I can't see Michael Gove enjoying that letter!

I am also eligible for funding to cover my tuition fees due to being Scottish by 1). birth and 2). descend (my Dad's Scottish) so that made me very very happy!!

Mum shopped till she dropped after that - I was just the bag mule :/

In other news, I've finally heard from the "Gene Therapy" unit. I now have to fill out a huge form giving them every little detail of my life, my Mum's life and every other member of my family's life. Guess I'll need to wait until my Mum's free to finish that one then :/

I'm extremely behind on my uni work so I guess I'd better get back to it :( The problem with having two jobs I guess!


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