
Wednesday, 23 April 2014

The Future Is Looking Bright...

I have spent the last few weeks seriously considering my future after university. It is such a scary idea that in a few weeks, I'll have finished university forever! Or until I save enough money to do my MA anyway!

During the course of my studies, it has become clear that the education system within this country needs to be improved. I strongly believe that we are losing so much potential from future generations because the education system is not right for them and focuses more on skills suitable for work rather than their natural skills and partially their interests. It is my wish to help, in any way possible, to adapt the system so it does successfully gain this potential and by doing so, we can create a stronger and more self-sufficient United Kingdom.

I want to help people, always have done and I think I can do that, no I know I can! I get so bored at work at the moment with all these ideas going through my head about ways the system could be improved but no one to suggest them too!

So the plan of action is to try and get into Parliament some how. Luckily, I can rely on my big sister to help me out with bits of it!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Easy As 1, 2, 3...

Sorry it's been a while!

I've finally got a full time job though!! Its in a lovely little bistro bar/restaurant near my sister (about 10 miles from my flat) and while I am now a kitchen porter (washing up basically), I'm hoping to get some shifts waiting on tables - the thing I'm good at and enjoy!

Driving lessons have been on hold for a couple of weeks but I should hopefully have one on Saturday! After passing my theory, I'm on a mission to get my full license even more and get a car of my own.

I've lost more weight which is always good :) I haven't been eating as great as I could have been, my shifts at work are a bit manic so sometimes I go a day with eating only a sandwich but I'm trying to not eat unless I'm hungry and it does seem to be working so far!

I applied for an internship in the House of Commons last month and the closing date was Monday so hopefully I'll hear something soon! There's one for the Scottish Parliament opening soon so I'm going to apply for that. If all else fails, I'm thinking of travelling around Europe for a bit or maybe go to New York and San Francisco and...Hawaii (just because it sounds funny!)

Anyway, not much else is new - I'm starting Zumba again tomorrow morning though so fingers crossed I don't make too much of an idiot of myself!

Ciao x

Friday, 14 March 2014

Plodding Along

So I'm back in the flat after my "holiday" - Mum and stepdad got back on Wednesday and from the sounds of it, the holiday in Tunisia wasn't too bad but they only had one day where it didn't rain :/

I have spent the week job hunting still - hate only working 2 nights a week :( with no luck yet. My friend went to comicon in Newcastle and met Mordred from Merlin. Not going to lie, I am SO FREAKING JEALOUS! Lucky girl :( I finished my boxset of NCIS so now I'm watching the next series on the Internet.

The diet is going okay, I've lost 1.2kg since last week putting me at 112.6kg. Still way over my goal weight but it's a start in the right direction! Was going to go for a run today but I had a nap and now I don't have enough time before work :( However, I can now fit into a lovely little denim skirt I bought a few months back so that has become my favourite item of clothing (as long as its not windy outside because that's a nightmare!)

Its the dreaded theory test tomorrow - seriously going to hate that! I hate tests and I hate the pressure people get put under for them, but I need to pass it before I can sit my practical driving test so you know? :(

Having a salad with a "healthy" caesar dressing and a pit of coleslaw for tea :) Went for lunch with Mum today and we shared a Wetherspoons sharer as always! Its kinda becoming our tradition :)

Not heard back from the internship yet but the application closing date isn't until April so I don't think I will hear until after that but I shall let you know if I do :)

Anyway, best go get ready for work and have my lovely salad!

Ciao x

Thursday, 6 March 2014

A Short Holiday...

So I'm kind of on holiday - well I'm house-sitting for my Mum and stepdad while they're on holiday. And cat-sitting Sapphire :)

While here, I am slowly making my way through my remaining NCIS boxsets (currently on Season 5, Disc 4) but I have made some movement towards my future! I have applied for a SPPS work placement in London for 9 months. It involves being an assistant to an MP which would be absolutely amazing for my career!

I still want to get into politics and help change the education system from the inside as it were but politics is such a hard career path for someone like me to get in to. I mean, for starters I am a girl and there aren't that many successful female politicians (compared to male ones anyway). Also, I am from a working class background and the political system in this country does appear to be made of mainly middle class backgrounds.

In other news, I have lost 1.3kg in the last week and a half :) Haven't got round to running again yet but I want to try and start with a friend (lets call her Merlin to keep her identity secret) and hopefully Merlin will be moving nearer to me so we can maybe start properly - she lives too far away at the moment.

Anyway, NCIS is calling so I shall catch up with you all later!

Ciao :) x

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Pinch, Punch, First Day of the Month...

Who would want to pinch and punch their friends just because its the first day of a month? Never understood that phrase....

Anyway, so 1st March already! Doesn't feel that long ago I was working NYE :/

So, new diet (again) but think it's working so far. Today, I've had a cup of tea (normal with milk and sweetener) with a slice of toast (didn't get up till half 11 due to finishing at half 3 from work this morning) and then a ham sandwich and I've just finished making lasagne for my tea - just needs cooked in the oven :)

Was planning on going for a run but when I woke up, it was busy in town and I don't like running around lots of people because I genuinely look like a plan is to go later when it's dark before work OR an hour of zumba. Not going to lie - Zumba will probably win but still its exercise and that's the main thing.

Had an eventful driving lesson during the week - some b*****d decided to cut across me on a roundabout and nearly crashed into me. I was in the right lane, at the right speed and I wasn't signalling to suggest I was going left (because I wasn't...) and the t**t decided to cut across in front of me causing my instructor to slam her brakes on (thank God for dual-controlled cars!) while I completely froze! Kind of dreading my next one :(

So plans for March?

Well, I have two assignments to start and since I'm only working at the club at the moment, I can't really afford to go to my lectures. Spoken to lecturers they're fine with it and I'm just to e-mail if I have any problems - they understand its a 2 hour, £60 a week train fare so you know. My own fault I know.

Get a decent job. Full time. NMW I don't mind, I just need more hours!

Find an internship/Masters course - to be honest, I think its going to be the internship this year - Masters are just too expensive so if I do an internship related to one, I have extra experience and I can save up for it. Might mean me staying in Berwick a bit longer but as long as I can get a flatmare soon I don't mind.


I don't have many friends here and the ones I have either live miles away so we can't meet up or they're working when I'm free and I'm working when they're free (Sods law much?) so I currently spend Sunday to Friday evening, sitting in my flat , going stir crazy from lack of social interaction!

Though, I do get to catch up on Jeremy Kyle - whether that's a good thing or not, I'll let you decide!

As for the mental health stuff, its not helping that I'm spending so much time alone because then all i do is sit and think about things which is usually when they start to get twisted making things 100 times worse. I'm working on it. I'm going to start playing saxophone again, when I find my reeds. I've started writing a bit but still suffering from writer's block (sucks).

So I shall go and start on some research for social inequalities within education (Yeah, its as fun as it sounds!) and catch up with you next week!

Ciao! x

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Long Time No Read...

So it's been a while since my last post!

What's changed? Well I'm resitting my final year at uni - thanks to my lecturer, family and close friends for helping me get through that ordeal! I'm not allowed to resit my dissertation which is good because its less stress but it also means that I'm unable to get any higher than a 2.2 classification. I know this is a good degree but I wanted to get a 2.1.

As for next year? I am looking into studying a Master's at Glasgow University, York University or Kings College in London but its expensive and I'm not sure if I will be able to do it to be honest. I've recently looked into intern ships within the politics sector which looks hopeful so fingers crossed for that!

I'm still in my little flat and alone lol but hopefully I'll have a flatmate soon to liven it up a bit! It gets very quiet here on an evening. Love life is non existent but that's fine by me. I'm saving myself from heartbreak and pain really. It will happen when it happens!

I'm halfway through my second chapter of my writing - been hitting blocks in my imagination though so that's been a bit harder than it should have been :( I'll keep on at it though and you never know! I could write a best seller!! Doubtful but you never know!

As for the weight issue...yeah I've not lost much. I'm trying to find a DVD which a good friend gave me and its like 30 minutes a day but it works wonders. She did it and found it really good before she moved onto different things so fingers crossed for that!

I've had a few dips in the mental health area - not as bad as when I was in York but there have been moments when I've been really unhappy. I know I'm bound to have dips like that from time to time and in a way they've been making me stronger - I don't have as many friends as I used to and its difficult for me to try and tell those I have what I'm feeling but I do my best.

Anyway, just wanted to give you an update of what's happening! 

Ciao! x

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