
Thursday, 6 March 2014

A Short Holiday...

So I'm kind of on holiday - well I'm house-sitting for my Mum and stepdad while they're on holiday. And cat-sitting Sapphire :)

While here, I am slowly making my way through my remaining NCIS boxsets (currently on Season 5, Disc 4) but I have made some movement towards my future! I have applied for a SPPS work placement in London for 9 months. It involves being an assistant to an MP which would be absolutely amazing for my career!

I still want to get into politics and help change the education system from the inside as it were but politics is such a hard career path for someone like me to get in to. I mean, for starters I am a girl and there aren't that many successful female politicians (compared to male ones anyway). Also, I am from a working class background and the political system in this country does appear to be made of mainly middle class backgrounds.

In other news, I have lost 1.3kg in the last week and a half :) Haven't got round to running again yet but I want to try and start with a friend (lets call her Merlin to keep her identity secret) and hopefully Merlin will be moving nearer to me so we can maybe start properly - she lives too far away at the moment.

Anyway, NCIS is calling so I shall catch up with you all later!

Ciao :) x


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