Who would want to pinch and punch their friends just because its the first day of a month? Never understood that phrase....
Anyway, so 1st March already! Doesn't feel that long ago I was working NYE :/
So, new diet (again) but think it's working so far. Today, I've had a cup of tea (normal with milk and sweetener) with a slice of toast (didn't get up till half 11 due to finishing at half 3 from work this morning) and then a ham sandwich and I've just finished making lasagne for my tea - just needs cooked in the oven :)
Was planning on going for a run but when I woke up, it was busy in town and I don't like running around lots of people because I genuinely look like a hippo...so plan is to go later when it's dark before work OR an hour of zumba. Not going to lie - Zumba will probably win but still its exercise and that's the main thing.
Had an eventful driving lesson during the week - some b*****d decided to cut across me on a roundabout and nearly crashed into me. I was in the right lane, at the right speed and I wasn't signalling to suggest I was going left (because I wasn't...) and the t**t decided to cut across in front of me causing my instructor to slam her brakes on (thank God for dual-controlled cars!) while I completely froze! Kind of dreading my next one :(
So plans for March?
Well, I have two assignments to start and since I'm only working at the club at the moment, I can't really afford to go to my lectures. Spoken to lecturers they're fine with it and I'm just to e-mail if I have any problems - they understand its a 2 hour, £60 a week train fare so you know. My own fault I know.
Get a decent job. Full time. NMW I don't mind, I just need more hours!
Find an internship/Masters course - to be honest, I think its going to be the internship this year - Masters are just too expensive so if I do an internship related to one, I have extra experience and I can save up for it. Might mean me staying in Berwick a bit longer but as long as I can get a flatmare soon I don't mind.
I don't have many friends here and the ones I have either live miles away so we can't meet up or they're working when I'm free and I'm working when they're free (Sods law much?) so I currently spend Sunday to Friday evening, sitting in my flat , going stir crazy from lack of social interaction!
Though, I do get to catch up on Jeremy Kyle - whether that's a good thing or not, I'll let you decide!
As for the mental health stuff, its not helping that I'm spending so much time alone because then all i do is sit and think about things which is usually when they start to get twisted making things 100 times worse. I'm working on it. I'm going to start playing saxophone again, when I find my reeds. I've started writing a bit but still suffering from writer's block (sucks).
So I shall go and start on some research for social inequalities within education (Yeah, its as fun as it sounds!) and catch up with you next week!
Ciao! x